Sunday, November 30, 2008

Technology hates us...

So the good computer is still on the fritz, the camera won't upload to the surviving computer, the internet seems to be dragging, my 'check engine' light is on in my car, and the good Xbox just red-ringed! The red-ring of death means the Xbox is officially dead and needs to be sent to the factory for them to gut it and send a new one. I think a piece of Simon's soul went with it....

Apparently we have offended the cyber gods so perhaps we should put a disclaimer before offering any kind of technical/electronics advice: "Warning - Although we do the research and the maintenance on all our stuff it still has a 90% fail rate so we make no promises for what we've recommended to you!" Cheers :)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

oh no not the red ring! bummer, I bet Simon was so upset. that sucks, hopefully it wont take so long to fix. sorry about all the tech mishaps, that sucks!