Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dr. Me

Doctor Cheese Here's me getting ready for my first day of school, just like kindergarten all over again! Honestly I think this was the first time I was actually excited to start school since elementary school, and that was mostly just because of recess! So far I've learned to do a physical exam on a cow and a dog, which are so different you'd think it was between a plant and a rock, and have already taken the first exam in immunology. They don't waste any time throwing you into everything! I have a histology exam tomorrow, anatomy on Friday and physiology on Monday. And for you kids that only took one hour tests that you usually finished in half the time, just imagine an anatomy test for 4 straight hours. And that's just a regular test! Finals can last twice as long as the regular exams!

Our class is 132 students, of which only 36 of them are male and I have yet to really meet more than half of the class. But I've been assured I'll know every one of their voices by the end of the year. We spend every day from 8am - 5pm together in the same classes, which at the most are split into two groups just for the sake of space. We get a few breaks from class during some days of each week to try to give us some extra time, all of which is usually devoted to studying...or sleeping, whichever is more critical at the moment.

Doctor Cheese AccessoriesOh and free stuff! They LOVE giving us free stuff! Obviously it's a HUGE financial burden just being in vet school so they actually do a lot for us to try to offset the costs if they can. Most of it is corporations wanting veterinarians to work for them (major drug and dog food companies) but the student organizations are good about it too. They gave everyone a free, really nice backpack that has enough room to hold even more than all our books plus basically all of our school supplies: pens, highlighters, notebooks, spirals, lunch boxes, just about everything! And the best part is the free food, for both me and the dogs! There are several low cost dog food programs, but there's even one where we get one free bag of purina dog food delivered to our door every month! All the organizational meetings are during our lunch break so I get free lunch at least 2-3 times a week, and they don't skimp on those. So it's actually really nice that they try to help with some things to relieve some of the stress.

So far I have loved every second of it (even though I occasionally drift off in physiology) and it is definitely everything I was hoping for! There isn't very much built into the curriculum with exotics (zoo animals, pocket pets, wildlife) because it's such a small percentage that choose that path but as far as the basics for dogs and horses go I think I'll be amply prepared! I'll be back after next week when the first round of exams has subsided...


Courtney said...

Yeah for Dr. Dayna! I'm so excited for you, this must be so cool and hard. but I know you'll do great and get through it all. Next time you're in town, we should try to get together. I miss ya! Good luck with it all :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dayna! You are such an amazing woman! I am so happy for you being able to accomplish your many people never have that are very blessed

love you both,

Dayna said...

You guys are so sweet! Thanks for leaving comments, it's nice to know at least somebody reads it!

And Courtney, when will you be having a baby shower because I want to make sure I'm in town for that?